Fixing Her Eyes - Celebrates One Year of Your Stories

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. So how do Australian Christian women fix their eyes on Jesus? How do they live out Hebrews 12.1-2? Well over the last 12 months, we have been asking them! Here is a collation of their answers. Click on their name to read their full "five minutes with." Thank you to our wonderful contributors and friends and thank you to YOU for being a part of our community. May you be encouraged to think of new ways you might fix your eyes on Jesus over the coming year through these quotes. Jen #fixinghereyes #followJesus
This happens through others. My husband and I worship together; I am in a wonderful Church community and small Bible study group, and a workplace with many strong and faithful Christian colleagues. Belinda
With lots of stops, starts and stumbles. The first thing I do every morning is make a coffee and read my bible. That's my favourite part of the day, and it helps keep me on track. I would never ask for them, but the hard times of my life have been the richest times in my relationship with Jesus. Belinda
I love worshipping – whether it’s at church or alone, I also use it to get me through some of life’s painful tasks like cleaning my house. I often put on worship music and sing and dance while I’m cleaning (I’m sure my neighbours love it). I also try to spend regular time in God’s word – deepening my relationship with Him. Bree
As a mother, trying despite my own imperfections to live for Jesus in a way that models a living faith to my son is a great motivator. Helping him to work through his questions about issues big and small (like whether his toy rabbit and tiger will go to heaven with him!), and reading the Bible together helps me to have to think through the biblical texts and their application in a very different light than when I read alone. This relationship between mother and son is in some sense a microcosm of the Christian life, as we seek to live, learn and worship together in our Christian communities. I love, love, love to sing, and to meet Jesus in worship. While I have a tendency to make Bible reading an academic exercise, I can’t hide behind that in song, where brain, voice, body and will come together to focus on Jesus and His “old, old story” that lives in every person who knows Him. Bronwen
I find Jesus in the work I do with the poor and with those who are oppressed. I think Jesus had a preference being with these people and their relationships with God and world view is something which encourages me. God’s heart breaks for these people and ours should too. Carolyn
I'm so blessed to live in a spectacularly beautiful part of God's creation, which reminds me daily of His awesome creativity & majesty! Simply going for a walk on a nearby coastal track brings my focus back to my Creator. I also find that I can't help but keep my eyes fixed on Jesus when I'm encouraged to do so... I'm grateful for a husband who does that encouraging, & so many friends & family who love a good cuppa & chat during the times I need to "re-fix". I read my bible so sporadically. I've never been an "every day" reader of the scriptures (I wish I had that discipline sometimes!), but His Word is the most powerful way of drawing me into that right relationship again & keeping me looking heavenward & not looking sideways... Cass
I try to weave faith-building things into my routine and life. So we’re at church each Sunday, and I attend a Community Group each week where we encourage each other with the Bible, pray and be community together. Tim leads us in praying together lots of evenings (I’m usually too tired to do more than follow along) and we chat often about Bible stuff and how we relate to God. I love Christian music that explores how faith impacts daily life, as well as songs that remind me of precious truth from God. I try to make time each day to read the Bible – not so much because it’s a duty, but because it’s where I see God in new ways, where he surprises me and I find uncomfortable things that I have to spend time working through, where I find glorious truths that I wouldn’t otherwise have imagined. At the moment, I find it easiest to do this during our toddler’s nap on weekdays, and I have a list of things in the PrayerMate app that I want to pray for regularly. I love Tim Chester’s Bible reading plan, because it’s a weekly portion of Scripture, it’s flexible and easy to read with others. At our midweek women’s group, we’ve experimented last term with meeting in groups of 3 to encourage our Bible reading and relationship with God – I’ve found this great accountability even when we’ve all had sick kids and not been able to meet, and encouraging to talk through the passages we’ve all been reading each week. Cat
This question implies that I ‘do’ keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. I’ll be honest, I don’t. There are times when I am so caught up in what I want, what’s happening in my world, that I forget Him. I am ashamed to say it. But it’s true. I can tell you one thing though, in those times when I am journeying ‘alone’, in my own strength, I don’t get far. I don’t feel good. And my strength and successes are temporary. I am forever striving to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. I live near the Ocean. Sometimes it feels like my only life source. I’m obsessed with it. Everything about it. I stare at it. I swim in it. I take photos of it. Heck who knows, maybe i’ll give birth in it (ha. i’m not pregnant btw). The ocean mesmerises me and it makes me feel so small. So insignificant. And it makes the Creator seem so huge. The sea could swallow me up, but it doesn’t. It points me to the power and might of God. I listen to podcasts, I talk to God, I read the bible, I read books, I sing to him, I cry to him, sometimes I swear and ask him WHY WHY WHY. I am thirsty and my soul is longing. And I think that whenever we are thirsty for God, he gives us what we need. Cate
I remember where I’m heading. Also I turn up to church and bible study Every. Single. Week. It keeps me focused. Cecily
When I was a little girl it was common practice that we were taught memory verses in Sunday school and singing Christian songs. As an adult I still find myself coming back to these verses of scripture and music as great reminders of the truth of who Jesus is. Quite often I will be singing inwardly “Jesus loves me this I know” or “Turn your eyes upon Jesus”. Celia
It isn't easy, I struggle. It's got to be time with God, doesn't it? Like any relationship, if you don't spend any time together, you can't be very connected. I think it's time with God before anything else, before checking my phone or having my breakfast. Before laying my needs and requests on him, or going through my mental to-do list. Just to read from the bible and just listen to him. Coco
Reading FHE posts every day. I've also loved reading the Message version of the Psalms, also the gospels of John, Matthew and now Mark from the Message. This translation has brought overly familiar Bible passages to life for me again. I love Christian music, especially Laura Story, Audrey Assad, Kari Jobe, Ellie Holcomb, Bethany Dillon, Sarah Reeves, Christy Nockels and the songs "You Make Me Brave" by Amanda Cook and Bethel Music, also "Jesus Loves Me" and "Good Good Father" by Chris Tomlin. Worship music transports me. Di
I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus by not taking anything in life for granted. Thanking Him for everything and staying close to Him, in thought and actions. As I said, I’m no scholar, but as Joyce Meyer says, “I know, that I know, that I know, that I know”. Dianne
By praying daily, by being thankful every night as I fall asleep and every morning when I wake up my first thoughts are to the Lord. By knowing my life is nothing without him. Elka
I could say so much about this, because it seems to be a constant endeavour to RE-fix my eyes on Jesus. One thing I'm learning lately is that the small, quiet moments of my life can be glorious if I look to Jesus. I don't have a lot of time to myself, but I have felt the Holy Spirit beckoning me to just talk to Jesus while I am jogging, or to still my mind and listen for Him while my son is pre-occupied with the sand for the next 3 minutes, or to have a taste of a scripture I've been memorizing as I vacuum. I need those little moments all throughout my day to refocus my eyes on Jesus. Emily
I think Jesus keeps my eyes fixed on him, alone I would be floundering. People who pray for and with me are really important. I have some friends who I have been praying with via a facebook message stream for just over two years. They are women who have laughed and cried with me (sometimes only via emoji) and they are women who constantly make me want to be more like Jesus. I love using the wisdom of others to help me move forward. I find the prayers and readings of the Common Prayer book useful to challenge my own complacency. I find it helpful to use the liturgical seasons of the year to drive me to periods of reflection, joy, lament and praise. I love listening to sermons by wise and creative people. I find taking rest and Sabbath, although not necessarily something my heart wants to do, enormously helpful in not relying on my own strength but instead fixing my heart and eyes on Jesus. Fiona
I have realised I have to be intentional about this! I am often struck by the beauty of God’s word; how God has woven recurring themes into stories over centuries, the depth of metaphors, the way that Jesus constantly surprises me. I try to read through a gospel a month. Gayle
It is about the bible and prayer. I mix it up in all sorts of ways: Books, blogs, devotionals, podcasts, music, friends, sermons, church. Gillian
There are times in my life when this is tremendously difficult to do, not just from mere straying (although, who doesn’t do that?) but because I am someone who battles with both depression and anxiety. For me, when I am struggling mentally, all of the “normal” things like praying, doing a quiet time and going to church become very difficult if not impossible. In those moments, I ask God to keep my heart for himself and to bring me back to him. And he does it. Every single time. Hannah
This has looked different over the seasons of life for me. Some times it’s easier to be more intentional than others. Overall, I have tried to bookend the day with gratitude for who Jesus is, all I have in Jesus and all I am in Him. Having a “word” for the year has recently been something that I have found helpful in keeping me connected to Him. Janelle
I am an extrovert so I need his people around me to keep nudging me in the right direction. I am an extrovert so I need to be faithful to reading his word personally and not just depend on others! Jenni
At every stage of life, I would give a different answer. At the moment, I am loving the ‘pray-as-you-go’ podcasts which I listen to each day, it’s a ministry of the Jesuits in Britain. It’s a free daily podcast that reads the lectionary reading for the day to you, asks you thoughtful questions, leads you to pray, and uses thought-provoking music. I’m really finding it sends me to Jesus and into prayer and is working for this busy season! ( Jess
Practically, by trying to stick to patterns of life and patterns of thought that are helpful. Asher and I are committed to belonging to a local church where we can be involved. I try to spend time regularly reading my bible, or another book that will help me focus on Who He is and how I can live following after Him. I try to pray regularly, for my family, my friends, about things happening in my life. I often use written prayers to get me started, I have been using the Morning and Evening Prayers of the Northumbrian Community on and off for a few years now. I try to write down things I am grateful to God for at the end of the day too. I think that routines help me to stay on track but sometimes I let them slide and then have to establish them all over again. I am so glad that He holds me when I get out of rhythm and it all falls apart at my end! I find it helpful to be around Christian friends and family who can speak wise and godly words into my life. I have also found that teaching and preparing to share my understanding of God’s Story with others means that I understand it better and get more excited about it myself! Jess
I try to read the Bible as often as I can, but with a busy life I confess I don’t always manage it each day. I listen to Christian music because I find that lyrics stick in my head longer than other things (I grew up loving Amy Grant, and still do! I also get inspired to love God more and live for him by listening to Hillsong.) My favourite thing, though, is to keep ‘in conversation’ with Jesus every day – through all the little things, talking to him about them and asking for help. I learned from my amazing mother to commit each busy working day to Jesus by asking for ‘my words to be his words’ and ‘my actions to be his actions’. Johanna
The cliche is Bible reading and prayer, but that is because it works! Plus friends who pray and challenge me. I also practise a daily Examen, looking to see how God has made himself known through the day. Mostly, I am conscious that Jesus continues to be a model for me, compelling to others, and sovereign over all. Kara
Talking with him all the time. My iPhone also helps which beeps at certain times of the day to remind me to pray. Karina
Habits. Habits of prayer; reading scripture; continuing to intentionally stay close to Christ; and not neglecting to meet regularly with the body of Christ. Kate
In the crazy times, when there is no time... I stop for a moment close my eyes and lift my face to the sky, I take a deep breath, I imagine God kissing me on my forehead and I say " I love you me....come Lord" Kath
I don't think it is easy to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. There are so many things that can drag me away from making him front and centre in my life. I try to start the day with prayer. As soon as the alarm goes off my husband and I pray together. I use the Prayer Mate app in my own prayers, and try to pray as things come up in the day. I love reading John's Gospel and often return to it. I have some wonderful friends and a great church that all help me focus on Jesus. Kaye
Disciplines of Word, Rest, Stillness, Thankfulness – including the daily input of FHE. I particularly enjoy scrapbook journaling while engaging with God through word and song. Kerrie
I don’t, I am distracted every minute of the day from my mission to know Jesus and to make him known! I do try to surround myself with worship music to help my spirit and mind re-orientate itself. I also try to surround myself with beautiful people who help me, either because they have such a rich relationship with Jesus or because they remind me that we are ALL created in God’s image and are ALL in need of love and transformation. Kirsty
Daily Bible reading, thinking (some would say meditating … trying to avoid the Eastern connotation here), praying and the constant informal ‘conversation’ that is not organized prayer. My strongest mainstay is a handful of close Christian friends, mostly Christian women, who guide, mentor, inspire, encourage, correct me and who pray with and for me. Even when I am weak, lost, or disheartened, they are always faithful and steadfast. They are people who have been Christians all their adult life (and more). They are unwavering. People like that are important – essential. Kirsty
If I was left to my own devices, I’m the kind of person who would eat only chocolate and chips, so I have to discipline myself to be healthy in my eating. It’s the same with following Jesus. Left to my own devices, I’d naturally pick up my iDevice to scan social media, or become completely self-absorbed, so I have to jealously guard my time alone in God’s word. Reading, praying and meditating on the Bible is still the best way I have found to keep my eyes on Jesus. Kris
Audio bible. Wait… that’s fixing my ears... Hubbie gave me a beautiful NLT study bible so I adore spending time in those pages. I try and read for a few minutes every morning before the kids get up. Doesn’t always happen. I used to memorise chapters of Scripture in order to perform them as monologues. That was really great to let The Word sit in mind and heart and soul… I should start memorising again… Kylie
To be honest, there are times when I feel very connected to God and speak with him regularly, and others when I get distracted and find myself aloof, when I climb into bed realising that I haven’t considered God during the day. I think, overall, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus is about knowing him. I find that if I read my bible or a devotion in the morning, it can help to shape my thinking and I’ll be reminded of it throughout the day – driving to work, talking with a friend, making a decision. However, at other times, I love to read my bible at night, when I find I have more time to spend in prayer too. Ultimately, I try to consider Jesus in all things and I pray that he shapes my words, my thoughts, my actions – that I might become more like him. Ladeane
Meditating on his word
Through song
Through His beauty, all things good thanking Him
Hard times leaning on Him and choosing to see His plans are for my good
Podcasts. Lara
With great struggle! There are so many things in this world that can and do distract me! Yet there are a few things that I find particularly helpful. Firstly by spending time in God's word regularly - his word is food for our souls. Secondly by speaking to him with my prayers and petitions and thirdly by being in community with people whether that is through Church or through other means such as surrounding myself with Christian friends who love Jesus. Lauren
I love my daily devotions, I love listening to worship music but the one thing for me that keeps Jesus in my mind is talking to others about Him. I’m blessed to be able to do this all day in my teaching which helps. I love hearing how God is working in the lives of others and sharing stories of His goodness. Linda
Some days are easier than others for sure. I am hopeless at journaling and even struggle with consistently using the Bible devotions app on my phone! I am however a big believer in the power of getting outside for exercise and a perspective check. I live beside a national park so I go there most days to exercise, pray and process. Like most mums of teenagers I spend way too much time in the car so I also use that time to listen to worship music or a sermon podcast. I am most grateful for the fact that although my eyes aren’t always on Jesus, He’s always got His eye on me!! Linda
Having three little children, I try to use the small moments to re-fix my eyes on Jesus. It’s so easy to become completely absorbed in the little things day to day and forget to lift my eyes to look to Jesus. When I’m hanging out washing I’ll take a moment to breathe and appreciate God’s creation, thanking Him for it. I’ll sing a praise song when I’m driving in the car with my kids. I try to have scripture up around my house to remind me of God’s character and to spur me on towards godly living. I have an app on the home screen of my phone which updates daily with a new Bible verse, which I will try to read in the morning, to have running around my head as I go about the day. Sometimes it’s hard, but I try to use these things to lift my heart focus day to day. I also make it a priority to get to church and Bible study every week, and for a few years I have also been meeting with a friend one night a week to pray, which has been a great help in maintaining a focus on Jesus. Lorien
It is so hard for a young woman to keep her eyes on Jesus when there are so many other things competing for our attention. Advertisements that say women should look a certain way, social media that says our lives should be full of fun, friends and style, and a world that says that money and status are gods. I find busyness fills my days and distracts me from just sitting still and spending time with the One who is above all of these things. I am blessed to have an encouraging husband and amazing friends who constantly remind me that Jesus is way more important than anything. They help me refocus my attention and spur me on to spend time with my Creator. Lucy
In order to know my Creator, I need to walk closely with him, talking with him, listening for His voice and reading His word. In this time-poor season, that consists mostly of me recalling and meditating on the word of God that is written on my heart from my previous seasons of studying The Bible in depth and then grabbing large chunks of time when I can, to really read and continue to study it. I try and have a posture of joy and gratitude, no matter what I face and let me tell you, that takes some serious 'fixing my eyes upon Jesus'. He not only authored our faith but he perfected it. He took time out to be with His Father. What better example than He? Marley
I seek to encounter every person as potentially imaging Jesus and I read a huge amount. Mary
Reading, prayer and talking to Gods people. Megan
I try to spend quality time reading the Bible and praying to God every day, but sometimes fail. What really keeps my eyes fixed on Jesus are God’s daily reminders - without which I’d easily go astray. When I make mistakes, when I fail, when I see my unloveliness, when I sin and remember I’m forgiven, when I look at the trees and sky and all the people God is helping, I’m reminded of Jesus' greatness and my smallness. Mel
Certainly time alone in quiet and solitude helps me pray and listen to Jesus, and if that can be in a beautiful part of creation at the same time, even more so. But as an extrovert, keeping connected with His people is also a big one for me. Being involved in a church, and making sure I am using my gifts for the encouragement of others, is one of the best ways for me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus as I see Him at work in me and in others. Melinda
This question assumes that I do! There are LOTS of internal and external, “shiny things” that distract me from Him and focussing on Him. Things that help me to keep turning towards Him and focussing on Him are not rocket science…
Hang out with people who help you fix your eyes on Jesus. Church, a prayer triplet, talking about Him in general conversation etc.
Make time to spend with Him alone as well . There are creative ways to do this….Spending time in God’s word, listening to good Bible teaching is important for me, using books to help me read the Bible, sometimes music.
I personally like studying a whole book of the Bible for a while and working my way through it…but I know this can be a bit deadly for some people. But it really switches my lights on!
I also know I need times away and times in nature to get clear-headed etc again. I need time to STOP to focus on Him. It’s hard to keep going at a fast pace without breaks. For me that is not conducive to focussing on Jesus. Going to fast for too long gets me all shook up and distracted. My mind goes like a snow globe!! I serve from a place of anxiety and “it’s all about me” when I don’t stop well.
Having a variety of things that are helpful in spending time with God and changing it up is good for me. Nicky
Gosh I wish I did and that is my most significant pursuit. My spirit wants too but my flesh is weak!!! I’ve just released a song which lyrics I wrote “I’ve been caught up in the wrong thing too long been distracted now my hearts in search of, something deeper something I can rely on, Here I am Lord…” And I must confess that is the story of my life. Getting caught up, anxious, distracted, prideful, jealous. But walking with God is a transformational journey that happens daily. I’m finding more and more its about the small things that we practice day after day that help us remain fixing our eyes on Him. Chewing over a scripture as we wash the dishes. Saying a simple but honest prayer as we feel anxious. Choosing to believe the scriptures that we love in the midst of doubt and uncertainty. Confessing sin and saying sorry… regularly. And For me, singing. I’m a singer so thats often how I engage my spirit with Jesus, but the bible also teaches us to sing, to express our thoughts, our prayers. Nikki
I think there’s a lot to be said for routine in a Christian life, and I try to keep to regular nighttime Bible reading to make sure that I ground myself in Jesus while I mull over all the little things that can happen in a day. I have a tendency to only do ‘on the go’ praying in stressful situations, rather than thankful prayers for everything I take for granted! So I’m trying to make sure I have a real conversation with God at some point in the day. When I go running I love to listen to Christian music or a podcast, and often find myself praying – it’s a good distraction from the pain! Rebekah
I live in a highly religious place where the remembrance of God is central to life. In the midst of that though, Jesus is denied. There is so much talk about God, and I find myself so eager to build bridges with my Central Asian friends, that it’s easy for Jesus to get lost, and for a very vague idea of God that doesn’t line up with the Bible, to seep in under my skin. I suspect that this is a struggle for all of us as we seek to live in the world, but not be of the world. For me, I find that I need to remind myself of the Trinity on a daily basis, largely through song – it makes the doctrine come alive and implant itself deep in my heart! I try to listen to Christian music each morning as I get ready, preparing myself to engage in a world that denies the One God: Father, Son and Spirit. In the past, I’ve struggled to be disciplined about regular Bible reading and prayer, but one of God’s recent gifts to me, has been a new delight in Scripture, as I have read it in the Central Asian language. Labouring to read each individual word has forced me to slow down and savour that honey! Ruth
This is a tough one, but over time God keeps bringing me back to simply finding “a moment”, it might be small window of opportunity, or it might be a whole naptime (!!!) nonetheless, a moment where I can ask God today: what are You showing me? Growing in me? Revealing to me? All so I can further Your kingdom’s cause. Often it’s in those moments He speaks the loudest. As the hustle hums away, tune in to Him. Susan
Wow - this question could be an essay, but I’ll try and keep it short! Learning to fix my eyes on him has been a long journey. A few years ago I was struggling with some pretty bad anxiety, and in worship one day I had a very real, very powerful encounter with Jesus, where he stood in front of me and held out his hands. It felt as if he was actually standing there, although I knew it wasn’t - but I was seeing it in my spirit. He said to me, ‘keep your eyes on me..’ and I broke down in awe of how much more he is worthy of everything we have - including areas where we fall down (like comparison!!). He is my only measuring stick, everything goes through the lens of what he would think about something, and although sometimes I forget and begin to compare again, he reminds me that he is the only one worthy of our comparison; so we can become more like him! Susanna
I’ve never managed to get into the ‘regular quiet time’ thing that seems to be so important for so many Christians. That’s been a source of guilt for me in the past, so in recent times I’ve developed some practices that keep me looking to Jesus without the burden of a particular session. Something I took up a couple of years ago was writing myself a series of 1 sentence prayers that can be a daily liturgy if I like but mainly just kind of float around in my head. They’re purposely short, and deliberately targeted both to my issues and praying for others. (e.g. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; I confess that I have believe Satan’s lies about my worth and your acceptance of me; I trust that you are making me new; Please make my tongue gentle and wise; Please give J calm and help her to trust you; Please open Saudi Arabia to the gospel, etc.) A second thing I do is to sing or listen to music. What I find difficult in spontaneous prayer I can often sing, and great truths which I might otherwise skip over become truer for me when set to music. I put music on when I cook, or while doing activities with our little guy, and all his lullabies are our favourite hymns. I find these good ways of being reminded of Jesus’ goodness and my commitment to him throughout the day. Tamie
I remember the words that he has spoken about me - particularly when circumstances are challenging or when I’m feeling discouraged. He speaks to create future realities and calls us to believe him even when it looks impossible. When he moves, it is the most spectacular thing to watch. Tania
Sometimes it can be challenging, can't it! I find inspiration in the Word that keeps me focused on Christ. And many Indigenous Australian Christians inspire me to understand our Creator better. Tanya
Scripture bears testimony to Jesus and a large part of my job involves studying scripture to prepare sermons and bible studies. Someone once said that a good sermon has to preach to the preacher before it can preach to others- so I get to be drawn to Christ through that. I often struggle to deeply understand Scripture and its those breakthrough moments of understanding Him as I study that are priceless. Tracy
Hmmm… that’s a lot easier when we live in the constant reality of His Presence. Moses said ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here…what else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?’ (Exodus 33:15-16) So in more recent years ‘fixing my eyes’ is all about focused awareness; being constantly aware of God’s Presence whether at home, work or just out and about. We are told God’s Presence ‘gives us rest’ (verse 14) so in large part this puts an end to our own searching efforts. We know where God is; ie right there with us! David said, ‘where can I flee from your presence’ (Psalm 139:7) and the NLT translation puts it this way: I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your Presence! Experiencing this Presence every day in ordinary life is what now gives me hope and certainty. But if his Presence is not real in our own life, then with so many conflicting messages bombarding us every day, I think we can too easily become ‘un-fixed’. So this doesn’t work for those who don’t experience the Presence of God so personally. And I haven’t always had this experience myself. The Book of Hebrews refers to this verse about fixing our eyes on Jesus in the context of having faith when we aren’t receiving what we hoped for; when we’re being disciplined, punished or persecuted. All very uncomfortable. In this context I am reminded of walking through the valley of the shadow of death with my only son Nathan who was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was 6 years old. I had to ignore my feelings and trust what I knew to be true; God is good even when circumstances aren’t. While I was numb with emotional pain, I had to choose to put my hope in God’s power to redeem, restore, heal and conquer death. How do you actually do this? Free will is a powerful gift from God and we can surprise our self when we learn to exercise it by denying our feelings and choosing to believe eternal spiritual truths. God doesn’t ask us to ‘do’ anything but to ‘stand in faith’. Our work is to believe. (John 6:29) I had to believe that God is good when my life was ‘not good’. When its life and death, fixing your eyes on Jesus is the only option. God wants to redeem our whole soul; our mind, will and emotions however we don’t normally submit them all to his eternal truths. I think consciously doing this, even when at odds with our feelings and desires, is an act of ‘fixing our eyes on Jesus’. Vickie
Keep working at making prayer and the bible central to my day, my week, and enjoying alone time with God. Realising it will always be a necessary battle against competing demands. Wendy
Gather | Encourage | Sharpen | Love | Worship | Grow Jen Barker is the Founder and Editor of Fixing Her Eyes