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Alison Leader
Mar 23, 2021
Life is so hard because we were made for another world
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Gillian Porter
Apr 4, 2020
Fear in the time of Corona
It’s very easy to be afraid right now. Afraid of the coronavirus infecting us or our family Afraid of our hospitals becoming overwhelmed...

Elise Heerde
Oct 5, 2019
Strengthened in the Shaking
Ever felt like everything in your world was shaking? Like it was all about to come crashing down? The struggles seem never ending and the...

Kath Henry
May 11, 2019
A Trinity of Faith, Hope and Love
Driving home yesterday I found myself caught in the heat of peak hour traffic. I say heat, because although the late summer sun was...

Elise Heerde
May 11, 2019
The War Is Won But The Battle Continues
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it” Margaret Thatcher Have you ever felt like you were facing a losing battle? It...

Tamie Davis
May 11, 2019
More Than You Can Handle
We all know those times when someone says something nicely to hide a harsher meaning, like when someone says, “That’s a very brave...

Hannah Craven
Apr 19, 2019
My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me? - A Good Friday lament
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” As he hung on the cross close to death, the gospels tells us that Jesus spoke these words. He...

Jean Thompson
Apr 7, 2019
A Time to Weep
Airliner crashes, weather-related disasters, drought and flooding on an unprecedented scale, political turmoil, prolonged and bloody...

Elise Heerde
Aug 6, 2018
The Sanctuary of Solitude
“Where are you?” the Spirit whispered to me. “I am right here!” I quickly replied. “Where?” He asked again. “I am here. I am with my...

Fiona Isaacs
May 22, 2018
Why I am going to get out of bed this morning
As autumn slides unrelentingly into winter, getting up in the morning gets harder and harder. The air outside is cold and under my...
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