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Women in the Church & Mutual Submission in Marriage

Melinda Cousins:

Women, Preaching, the Bible and 1 Timothy 2 (article) 

Margaret Mowczko:

Articles on 1 Timothy 2.12

Articles on Gender in Genesis

Articles on Equality in Marriage

Jim Reiher:

We've Been Fed a Lie (book)

Michael Bird:

Bourgeois Babes, Bossy Wives, and Boddy Haircuts (book)

Gilbert Bilezkian:

Beyond Sex Roles (book)

Willow Creek Community Church Statement on Women and Men in Ministry (Gilbert was a co-founder of Willow Creek, alongside Bill Hybels)

Nancy Beach:

Gifted to Lead (book) Nancy was on staff at Willow Creek Community Church

Carolyn Custis James:

Half the Church (book)

Lost Women of the Bible (book)

Scot McKnight:

The Blue Parakeet (book)

Junia is not alone (book)

Lynn Cohick: 

Women in the World of the Earliest Christians (book)

John Stackhouse:

Finally Feminist (book)

Fuller Seminary, California

Fuller Seminary Women in Ministry: A Biblical Basis for Equal Partnership - PDF Brochure

Ben Witherington II (videos):

Women in Ministry Part 1

Women in Ministry Part 2

Junia Project:

Defusing the 1 Timothy 2:12 Bomb

5 Reasons to Stop using 1 Timothy 2.12 against women

Sarah Bessey:

Jesus Feminist (book)

Out of Sorts (book)

Why not have a woman preach? (blog post)

Craig Keener:

Was Paul For or Against Women in Ministry? (article)

Paul, Women and Wives (book)

NT Wright:

Women's Service in the Church: The Biblical Basis 

Jane Williams:

Theology on Women in Ministry (video)

Lucy Peppiatt:

1 Corinthians 11-14: Women and Worship at Corinth (video)

Kris Vallotton:

Keep Silent? (video)

Theology of Empowering Women (podcast)

Fashioned to Reign (book)

Fashioned to Reign (workbook)

Fashioned to Reign (leaders guide)

Empowering Women (video - starts around 9.30mins into recording)








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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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