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Hannah Craven
Mar 23, 2021
At the Threshold
The final chapters of the book of Judges (19-21) tell the story of the brutal betrayal, rape and abuse of a young woman by multiple men....

Mar 15, 2020
You Have A Voice
I have a voice but I can’t use it I have a story but I can’t tell it I have a testimony but I can’t share it Have you ever felt silenced?...

Fiona Isaacs
Mar 7, 2020
Each For Equal - IWD 2020
“If feminism is just about your own empowerment, then that is not feminism, that is just capitalism in a fancy hat” claims Alice Fraser...

Jo Vandersee
Apr 24, 2019
Fixing His Eyes: What Paul Saw
I have really appreciated “Fixing Her Eyes”, and Jen’s call for us all –sisters and brothers– to fix, focus, and look upon Jesus Christ...

Tamie Davis
Mar 13, 2019
In Defence of Princesses (Real Ones)
I remember the first time I saw Disney’s The Little Mermaid, at age 7 on VHS at home with my sisters. I cried at the end. Ariel had to...

Erica Hamence
Oct 18, 2017
How to process and pray through your grief and anger
In a pattern that is right on the cusp of comical and depressing, yet again I had thought I was ok. I had been reading all of the stuff...

Denise Cooper-Clarke (Guest Post)
Aug 24, 2017
The Rise and Fall of the Complementarian Doctrine of the Trinity by Kevin Giles (Cascade, 2017)
The terms ‘page turner’, ‘un put downable’ and ‘doctrine of the Trinity’ would not often be found in the same sentence, but they are...

Megan Powell du Toit
Jul 27, 2017
Raising Boys II Men
There is a lot of anxiety these days about gender identity and raising boys secure in their masculinity. To be honest, I’m much more...

FHE Editor
Jul 9, 2017
What does shaving your legs have to do with Jesus?
I was a young teenager when I first shaved my legs. I was the last of my friends to do it, and it felt like a rite of passage. Grown up...

Louisa Macourt (Guest Post)
May 28, 2017
I am an Egalitarian
Recently I read a quote from a women's conference that said "feminism and other voices trick me into thinking that God’s design isn’t...
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