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Fixing Her Eyes - the Conference

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12.1-2

On a weekday in July 2015 I was doing my usual marketing / communications work at my computer, the kids were all at school and I had my usual podcast playlist on. I had known for some time there was something I had to do but couldn’t put my finger on it. But on this day, whilst drinking a coffee I had a very real sense of direction from God. I was to design a website. A platform for Australian womens voices. And I was to tell their stories. After pondering this for a few minutes, and with pictures of womens names in my head and postcodes of Australian cities buzzing around, I had the name dropped in my head like it was already sorted. No need to take this to a committee to decide, I had the name “Fixing Her Eyes.”I said YES to God. I gave myself 6 weeks to get it launched. Spring was around the corner and what better day to launch something beautiful than September 1. I sent emails. I heard YES’S back from the majority of those people, and on September 1, 2015 Fixing Her Eyes was launched.

It’s purpose? To have a platform where women’s perspectives could be found, where their voice could be heard and amplified. And the backbone of it? To get Australian Christian women to open their bibles. To fix their eyes on Jesus from the moment they wake up until the time they hit their pillow – and reaching them through social media - something most of us do now at those key moments in our day. On Thursday I read the story of UK Suffragette Emmaline Pankhurst to my year 5 class. One of my students brought it in because they thought I would like it :) I choked up during it thinking about what a beautiful and brave thing she did, the impact of her actions, how glad I am her story is recorded for us to learn from and I how I had this opportunity to share her story with this group of eager listeners who also want to make a difference to the world. How much more a beautiful thing it is to have our bibles – the very word of God - and to have the story of God’s great love for us, the impact of his actions recorded. What a privilege that is.



A platform to emphasise the VALUE of all people. To glorify the name of JESUS. To VALUE the voice of Christians regardless of their denomination, gender, age, profession, status, postcode, skin tone, theological training. To unravel what it means to be a follower of Jesus. To be a generation that passes on the baton well to the next.

We must open our bibles. Trust ourselves to understand the word of God. Fix our eyes on Jesus. And today we are turning that vision that we’ve had since day one of

Gather. Encourage. Sharpen. Love. Worship. Grow.

From the online platform to the gathering here and I am so glad and honoured to welcome you to our very first conference.

Thank you – family, FHE people who said YES, speakers, everyone for coming, including interstate. Northside crew especially Graeme Anderson. This church community is a beautiful model of what church can look life. Those serving us today. To Kirk and my children. Kirk has rescued FHE more times than I think he wishes to remember. He has been its biggest advocate and has always had my back. Today I honour him and thank him. He is my wise counsel. He said YES, I’m in the partnership of FHE.

I am enormously grateful for prayers of others for this event and we have been praying for everyone here. So many of you have been a part of our story. You have trusted us with your voices and today I say thank you.

We have uploaded them, prayed about them, handed them over to God and believed He will do his thing with them and I believe those voices are changing countless lives. Hebrews 11 talks about the “by faith” of the cloud of witnesses and that is what we are doing. We are a part of a tapestry that God is weaving. I hope today you feel that the vision of FHE is a vision you can own for yourself in your daily life Gather. Encourage. Sharpen. Love. Worship. Grow. Fix your eyes on Jesus.


Jen is the founder and editor of Fixing Her Eyes.

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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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