Fixing her eyes this Christmas

There is something so precious about cradling a newborn.
I have had the privilege of being passed both a newborn niece and nephew to cradle this year within hours of their births. As I held them each of them, I felt a deep desire to want to pray for them, to thank God for the blessing they are to their parents, to pray for God's protection over them and that they may forever know the agape love of Jesus. That they may make a positive difference in this world for His glory.
I couldn't help but wonder as I held them, what they will be like, what will their voices sound like, what gifts will they have, what will they choose to do in their lifetime? Where will those little feet take them and what will those beautiful, big blue eyes see? Mary would have been no different with Jesus, and I suspect even more so, having been told about her pregnancy by an angel of God! This courageous and gutsy teenage girl, would never have been able to imagine what was to come. That the baby who was born under a star so bright, leading shepherds and wise men to him, would change the world.
The child she cradled would grow to be the 12 year old she was looking anxiously for three days for (Luke 2.41-52). The child she cradled was the son who turned water into wine. (John 2.1-11)
The child she cradled modelled servant like behaviour towards others. (Luke 22.27)
The child she cradled broke the rules and customs at the times and spoke to women and treated them as equals. (John 4.1-26)
The child she cradled would one day bring healing to the sick and lame. (John 9.1-12)
The child she cradled calmed raging storms. (Mark 4.35-41)
The child she cradled would one day condemn religious leaders who made following God a heavy burden. (Matthew 23)
The child she cradled would encourage women to learn theology in a world where women didn't have that opportunity. (Luke 10.38-42) The child she cradled broke the rules and allowed the children to be seen, placing value on them and treated them with love and care. (Mark 10.13-16)
The child she cradled had friends who betrayed him. (Matthew 26.14-16)
The child she cradled would experience grief and loss and sorrow. (John 11.35)
The child she cradled would describe himself as the light of the world. (John 8.12)
The child she cradled laid down his life for others. Died a brutal death on the cross and rose victorious from the grave three days later.
What an incredible gift to the world this baby is. What a difference He makes.
The child she cradled brings grace to those who put their trust in Him.
And more than two thousand years later, we as a Fixing Her Eyes community, come together to worship this baby, our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Saviour, grace giver, lover of our souls. The one who sees us. Who knows us. Who breathed life into us. The one who brings hope, who dwells amongst us, who modelled what it looks like to be love and show love, the one who brings peace beyond all understanding and joy. The one who invites us to join Him in doing His kingdom work on earth.
May you know the difference Christ brings. May you know the agape love of Christ this Christmas Day and each day in 2020.
May you look at the baby in the manger and remember. Emmanuel. God, our Messiah, is with us.

Jen is the founder of Fixing Her Eyes.