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5 minutes with Karen ...

What's your favourite bible passage & why?

​This has changed over the years depending on what ministry God has called me into. I believe for the next season of life and ministry, Prov 31:8,9 are quite defining:

​Proverbs 31:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT) Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.

​​I am at a point in life ​where God is asking me to use what I have learnt and the resources that in my hand, to be of help to those who need it most. We have a part to play that is certainly not passive and we need to use the voice God has given us to advocate for others.

​How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

We are all so different when it comes to connecting and staying connected with Jesus. For me, worship music and writing has been the primary way I have kept focus and stayed aligned with Him. I travel a lot for work and speaking engagements, and one of my favourite spots is sitting in seat 44G, head phones on, pen in hand and uninterrupted time with Jesus (except for the meal breaks!). I love the constant companionship of the Spirit of God in my every day and am very aware of that – particularly flying 40,000 feet above the Earth.

What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?

Life is shorter that you think and we need to make every moment of every day count. Every season is important and valuable and God has an assignment for each one of us in each of those seasons. Don’t miss it. There’s nothing more rewarding than living our days knowing we are being led by God in what we do.

What's one thing that you love about your church?

Our church is a place anyone can come to. Whilst excellence is important, it is not so polished that it has lost the warmth of a family gathering. Sometimes it is a little ‘messy’ but that’s people doing life together. Lives are truly changed and connections made at our church and that’s what truly matters.

What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?

Jesus is the Redeemer. He takes the broken and mangled bits of our lives and somehow redeems them for something great. As I offer Him those pieces, I am constantly amazed at how He re-shapes and re-stores. He has done this throughout history: He redeemed the life of a shepherd boy who became king of Israel, a prostitute who became part of the lineage of Christ, a fisherman who become an evangelist, a murderer who became a church planter and a servant girl who became queen. He has done it for others and He continues to do it me too.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about seeing people released into their full potential. Not living average lives, but stepping into greatness. This quote has resonated with me lately: “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." William Shakespeare

Whilst most of us wouldn’t feel we were born great…the challenge is still to step into great spaces and live life large.

What do you enjoy doing when you rest?

I love anything adventurous or creative.

I recently completed the 800km Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage walking across Spain. I found that during that trek I rested deeply. After the initial tiredness, my body got stronger, my mind was clear and for 38 days all I did was walk!

Don’t’ get me wrong – I am also up for the simple things in life: catching a movie at the cinema, a great massage, going for a bike ride, coffees and chats with friends.

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