FHE Conference Benediction

I have listened today
In hope but with some fear
Maybe I think, what we have seen and heard today
Women's and men's voices raised together will change nothing
But then I remembered who our God is
And so today I remind you my sisters and brothers
To be steadfast. Stand firm, speak up even though you tremble.
We can give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord
For nothing we do for God is done in vain
Remember, that as you stand, you do not do so alone
this is a community of friends holding each other up
And at the heart of that friendship is the one who no longer calls us servants, but instead calls us friends. Jesus.
And Jesus has sent us another like himself, his Spirit. And so we must ensure the Spirit is not quenched in our lives or our churches. Know this: Jesus came to bring life and life to the full.
But this is life to the full - life in which we are crucified with Jesus and so, it is no longer we who live but Christ who lives in us.
With Christ in us then:
We are the light of the world – a light that should not and cannot be hidden
Instead go into the world with the good news, proclaiming peace, proclaiming the King, with your feet, your hands, your voices revealing the beauty of Jesus.
With this task then before us, we remember that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us and so we fix our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. And because of this I can tell you in certainty, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation.
And we have a sure hope that we will all be held in the embrace of God's love in that glorious future city.
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
Ans so my dearest women of valour and my beloved men who courageously stand beside us, of this finally we should be assured.
We will see the goodness of the Lord.
Put your hope in him, wait upon the Lord
Waiting not in resignation
But in anticipation
God is at work, God is with us
And so we say Amen

Megan is a daughter, friend, mother, pastor, teacher, twin and wife. She is currently doing a PhD in theology.