5 minutes with Nikki ...

- Tell us a little about you
My Name is Nikki. Gosh I find it tricky to sum myself up in a few sentences, but here we go - I live on the northern beaches of Sydney with my husband and two small sons, and am 6 months pregnant with our third son as we speak. So i’m about to become a mum of three boys. I love God, I love music. I spent most of my career life as a Worship Leader, singing and writing songs for the church. I lived in London for five years and worked as a Worship Leader at Holy Trinity Brompton and for a ministry called Worship Central (which was a dream job) and am now endeavouring to pioneer that same ministry here in Australia. Also my first two sons were born in the deep dark London winters! I spend most days at the skatepark; at the beach; at the kitchen sink; hanging laundry, and when possible grab an hour or two work on new songs, creative projects and mentoring young worship leaders. I love my family to death but i struggle most days being a mum. I love my friends, champagne, coffee, people that don’t fit into boxes and people that don’t yet know the Lord. I’m curious about almost everything and I ask a lot of questions.
- What's your favourite bible passage & why?
Right now its “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be Holy and without fault in His eyes.” Ephesians 1:4
I just find it so hard to get my head around the fact that God loved me before he made the world. That is love is eternal and unshaken. That He chose me first. I didn’t just stumble across him when I was lost or broken. I was in his heart and mind with Christ billions of years ago… and yet i’m alive in flesh right now in the year 2016. So bazaar and wondrous and amazing. That one scripture has fed my mind and heart for the last 12 months.
- How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
Gosh I wish I did and that is my most significant pursuit. My spirit wants too but my flesh is weak!!! I’ve just released a song which lyrics I wrote “I’ve been caught up in the wrong thing too long been distracted now my hearts in search of, something deeper something I can rely on, Here I am Lord…” And I must confess that is the story of my life. Getting caught up, anxious, distracted, prideful, jealous. But walking with God is a transformational journey that happens daily. I’m finding more and more its about the small things that we practice day after day that help us remain fixing our eyes on Him. Chewing over a scripture as we wash the dishes. Saying a simple but honest prayer as we feel anxious. Choosing to believe the scriptures that we love in the midst of doubt and uncertainty. Confessing sin and saying sorry… regularly. And For me, singing. I’m a singer so thats often how I engage my spirit with Jesus, but the bible also teaches us to sing, to express our thoughts, our prayers.
- What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
That God loves them, approves of them, created them in His image and they can relax and enjoy who He is and the life that He gave them. There is no pressure or expectation to be perfect, to have it all together. They are simply enough as they are. Christ has done the work and we can live in the joy of the Fathers love and in the freedom of His Spirit everyday. Its true.
- What's one thing that you love about your local church?
They love the bible and teach, read and study together with such devotion. I am currently in a local Anglican church, I wouldn’t consider myself a native Anglican - but I am learning so much from a different tradition. I love how they really care about the scriptures, and they actually believe the gospel to be true and able to change people’s lives. I can see God’s work as they serve the local community, its really inspiring.
- What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
Goodness so many times! The immediate one that comes to mind is - God is our provider. He really is. Only He can provide what we need physically, emotionally, spiritually and even mentally. I’ve learnt in times of desperation when my marriage has been in a broken place, when our finances have been bankrupt, when my body is sick and my mind anxious, I have learnt to cry out to God, to lay it all at His throne, to bare all and reveal your true self. to trust Him with everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. And to just let Him provide what you need, in His way, in His time. Let Him do what only He can do.
- What are you passionate about?
God, family, people, music.
- What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
Reading. Don’t get to do that too much at the moment but i’ve always got a few books on the boil. Long conversations with friends. Writing songs. Writing in my journal. Swimming in the ocean. Singing at the top of my lungs with my kids. Watching my son Jones skateboard. Having a meal with my husband that I haven’t had to cook. Sleeping….. Listen to some of Worship Central Australia's music here on YouTube You can purchase Worship Central Australia's music here on iTunes