The War Is Won But The Battle Continues

“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it” Margaret Thatcher
Have you ever felt like you were facing a losing battle?
It no longer feels like you’re just fighting an uphill battle but you’re now on a steady slide down the mountain! That mountain that you once stood on in victory has now taken you as its victim.
Just when you thought you had your finances under control, just when you thought your child was getting back on track, just when you thought that promotion was going to come through, just when you thought your health had turned a corner. Suddenly an unexpected bill shows up, your child makes another foolish choice, you get fired from your job, your doctor calls you with another bad report and you’re back in the thick of the battle!
It’s all too much! The battle is too fierce and the energy required to take one more step, to pray one more prayer is overwhelming.
We know that God has already won the war, that through Jesus we have complete victory, but we begin to wonder where He is in the battle. Where is God when we feel like we are drowning in defeat? When is the victory coming for this battle? Where is our freedom in this season?
{Our battle weary souls need first to find rest and safety in Jesus’ unescapable love}
“Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Romans 8:35
When the battle is fierce and the victory seems far off remind your soul that in every battle you have a place of safety, a place of refuge, a place to run and rest. In the distress, in the trials, in the slide down the mountain His love surrounds you and guards you.
Allow Him to refresh your soul and strengthen your resolve because the war is won but you’re going to have to dare to battle if you want to take hold of your freedom.
“It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle” Richard M. DeVos
{In the safety of His love we can dare to battle}
We dare to battle when we keep the victory in sight. An overwhelming victory is already yours. Will you dare to take hold of it even in the pain, in the doubt, and in the fear?
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37
We can return to the battle time and time again, safe in the love of Jesus, full of the power of the Holy Spirit because we battle having already won the victory!
{The battle may be fierce but the victory is final}
“O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on the Lord, for he is tender-hearted, kind, and forgiving. He has a thousand ways to set you free!” Psalm 130:7 (TPT)
Keep trusting God in the dark, keep resting in His love, keep hoping in the promise, keep turning up to the battle, keep walking on His paths, keep faith in the confusion, and keep waiting in the trials.

Elise Heerde is a wife, mother, teacher and writer from Melbourne who loves Jesus and passionately shares about the grace, hope and love that He offers to all. She deeply desires to see the broken made whole, the captives set free and the lost brought home. You can find her instagram account here @her.anchor