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Jen Barker
Oct 15, 2017
12 Female Theologians You Should Know About
Here is a list of twelve (including five Australian) female theologians (in alphabetical order) you should know about, a little about...

Melinda Cousins
Jun 30, 2017
Women, Preaching, the Bible and 1 Timothy 2
As a female student and teacher of the Bible and someone who seeks to interpret and live out what it teaches faithfully, as well as an...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Jun 4, 2017
Jesus and the womens' fringe
Dear Equip, I was there last Saturday. I was listening intently. I don’t doubt that you all spoke from the Bible, and your preaching was...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 30, 2016
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - Looking Ahead (Part 11)
(Read part 10 here) AS I PUT THE FINAL touches on this chapter, the year 2000 is washing over the planet. Through television we witness...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 28, 2016
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - A Woman Theologian Fixes Her Eyes (Part 10)
(Read part 9 here) NO ONE WAS MORE surprised than I when I stood and cheered Linford Christie in the 1992 Olympics. Since then another...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 22, 2016
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - Straight Talk for Women (Part 9)
(Read part 8 here) WHICH BRINGS US BACK to our earlier question: Is theology really important for women? The writer to the Hebrews...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 15, 2016
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - The Ripple Effect of a Woman's Theology (Part 8)
(Read part 7 here) THE SECOND SURPRISE, that the quality of my theology matters to others, was evident right from the start when...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Nov 12, 2016
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - Ruby Slipper Theology (Part 6)
Read part 5 of this series here In the Wizard of Oz, homesick Dorothy trudges around the Land of Oz for days with her motley band of...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Oct 21, 2016
Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus - The eyes have it (Part 3)
[Read part 2 of this series here] On the day of the Christmas pageant at Oxford’s St. Ebbe’s School, I was pressing toward a deadline on...

Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Oct 16, 2016
Fixing our eyes on Jesus - Everyday theology for women (Part 2)
[Read part one of this series here] Most of us are better theologians in hindsight. We look at the struggles we have weathered and...
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