5 minutes with Marcia ...

I am astonished by God's generosity to me: grew up in a loving Christian family, have a wonderful marriage to Neil and 4 adult children, all Christians. & beautiful grand children. Always wanted to write a book and now am onto my 7th. Opportunities for Christian service in my local church, including preaching regularly.
Favourite bible passage: Psalm 73:23-26. God's love and presence with me forever. Loving him first is pre-eminent.
Sometimes my gazes wanders: I need daily reading of the Scriptures, a heart ready to speak to and listen to God, and good, wise friends.
For the next generation: If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.(Romans 14:8)
What I love about my church: it strongly supports women teaching the Bible.
What I learnt about God at a time I found hard: He didn't let me go.
I'm passionate about knowing Jesus better and pleasing him.
When I rest: I love reading, reading, reading.