Daily Reflection: Psalm 128.1
Obedience is ‘a lively, adventurous response of faith, that is rooted in historical fact and reaching into a promised hope’. Eugene H Peterson, The Journey. A guide book for the Pilgrim Life, 149
Reflection: Obedience is a struggle all our lives. Children battle against obeying their parents, and this battle is like a mini-snapshot of our own struggles in obeying our heavenly Father. Our hearts stray as we face temptation and sometimes fall into sin. Psalm 128 paints a beautiful picture of blessing from the Lord for those in Israel who fear him and walk in obedience to him. We live in a different era of salvation history, but obedience to the Lord Jesus will bring spiritual blessing, and in the end, the ultimate blessing of life forever with him in the new heaven and new earth that he is preparing for those who love him.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your one and only Son, the Lord Jesus, who walked obediently to you to death on the cross. Thank you that his obedience won your forgiveness for our disobedience. Forgive us our sin. May obedience to you be a mark of our lives, as we look back to the cross of Christ, and forward to his coming in glory. Amen.
Take it further: Read Mark 12:28-34 and Revelation 21:1-5. The two great commandments of Mark 12 are more than we are capable of and are all-encompassing. Pray that the Lord will give you strength to live obediently to him, and let the hope of Revelation 21 strengthen your heart and keep it strong.
This was the final in this series of Reflections with Natalie.
Nat Rosner grew up in Sydney, lives in Melbourne and loves both cities! A former lawyer, she’s now a Minister at St Hilary's in Victoria and is passionate about sunshine, summer, sport, reading and local church ministry. This reflection was originally posted as part of the Winter Warmers series at St Hilary's