Daily Reflection: Psalm 71.5

“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Reflection: We may not feel quite as bleak as the young orphan, Anne Shirley, in L.M.Montgomery’s classic, Anne of Green Gables. But we’ve all had our share of disappointments, griefs and perhaps even tragedies. Sometimes it seems that the hopes of our youth for life (and life with Jesus) have been swallowed up in the mundane or failed to deliver. For the Psalmist, the Sovereign Lord has been his hope since his youth. What difference does it make to your life to have the Lord God as your hope?
Prayer: Sovereign Lord, we long to have hope in so many ways and about so many things. We put our hope in people, in homes, in jobs, in trips, in courses. All of these are your good gifts to us. But none can give us the sure hope that we crave. Please be our hope, Lord God. Amen
Take it further: Read 1 Peter 1:3-9. What do we learn from these verses about hope that can sustain us in the trials of life?
Reflections with Natalie will be posted each morning on our Facebook & Instagram accounts. We would love you to join us!
Nat Rosner grew up in Sydney, lives in Melbourne and loves both cities! A former lawyer, she’s now a Minister at St Hilary's in Victoria and is passionate about sunshine, summer, sport, reading and local church ministry. This reflection was originally posted as part of the Winter Warmers series at St Hilary's