5 minutes with Alison ...

Tell us a little about yourself
I have worked as a journalist for the past 18 years, reporting on topics ranging from local politics through to photography and home decorating. I blog about "life, love, and spirituality" at It's a God thing... and enjoy taking acting classes in my spare time. I'm also half-way through a Bachelor of Ministry at Morling College. I'm married with two school-aged children, and we recently moved to Sydney's south-west to serve a church in Beverly Hills.
What's your favourite bible passage & why?
Luke 7:36-50, where the woman wets Jesus' feet with her tears and anoints him with expensive perfume. I love the passion she shows and the faith she demonstrates, and in turn, Jesus' beautiful response to her.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
I'm someone who needs time for reflection and quiet worship. Moving away from the noise and busyness of life to contemplate God and his love for me is really important in keeping me going spiritually. I schedule in blocks of time for connection with Jesus through music, the Bible, prayer, and poetry. I'm definitely a contemplative, creative type!
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
You have what it takes to make a difference. Your voice counts, and your small acts of love are more powerful than you might think.
What's one thing that you love about your local church?
When I walk in, I feel like I'm part of a loving family.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
He understands pain and suffering, because he came to earth in the person of Jesus and experienced the very worst kind. He gets it, and he walks through the storm with us.
What are you passionate about?
Community. I'd love to see 'the church' move further outside the building and into the community to meet people where they're at. I'm also passionate about creativity, and finding new ways to make Jesus known through drama and art.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
Watching indie movies, reading, blogging, vlogging, crafting creative talks and sermons, and listening to podcasts that make me think about the world in a different way.