5 minutes with Mel ...

Tell us a little about yourself I'm 25, I'm a Speech Pathologist and work at one of the local hospitals, I'm a middle child (of 3 kids), I love singing, drinking coffee especially with a friend or two, being on or near the water is my happy place. I have a wonderful fiancé. I love people and being around people energises me. I also do love a good night in front of the TV. What's your favourite bible passage & why? I reckon Romans 1-8 in its entirety. It's too good to not read all at once! It's also the scripture that helped me grow as a Christian the most. I was so blessed with an incredible small group leader who taught me to dig deep into the scriptures and not just read things superficially. It really changed my life! Not only that but it's the most encouraging chunk of scripture. How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? A few ways.. 1. Being in the word and talking to Him 2. Surrounding myself with solid, encouraging and godly friends and 3. Going to Church! What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know? No matter how many times you hear it, the worlds standards do not determine your value. Fill your mind with thoughts that are LOVING towards you and your body. What's one thing that you love about your local church? It's my home! And it's not perfect but it's filled with people who love people and look out for each other What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard? He is ALWAYS faithful. Whilst you may feel he is unfaithful as you wait for answers or your result, he remains the same and true to his promises. What are you passionate about? People being cared for! What do you enjoy doing when you rest? Laying on my bed being quiet, sitting in my mums favourite chair in the sun or being still with Matt watching David Attenborough documentaries.