We Are Women

We are women Walking in the spirit of Abigail Unafraid to use our intelligence and resources To protect those who depend on us And to do what is right in Your sight
We are women Walking in the spirit of Priscilla Ready to use our gifts to let Your truth blossom And cause untruth to wither and fade
We are women Walking in the spirit of Miriam Called to lead Your people And ready to sing for joy At what You have done among us
We are women Walking in the spirit of Mary the virgin Fully surrendered to You In whatever surprising and dangerous and precious calling You may ask of us
We are women Walking in the spirit of Junia the apostle Knowing that “one in Christ Jesus” might take us Where no woman has trod before
We are women Walking in the spirit of Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna Dwelling in the gratitude of what You have done for us And willing to throw caution to the winds for Your sake
We are women Walking in the spirit of Huldah With the courage to speak uncomfortable truth to power And thus become the midwives of holy transformation
We are women Walking in the spirit of Phoebe the deacon With our feet ready to carry Your message of good news And our mouths ready to speak Your words
Wherever You may send us We are women Walking in the spirit of Mary of Bethany Knowing that at Your feet is the only place to be – The place of costly discipleship And of Martha, with the courage to Cast aside old wineskins to discover The sweetness of the new wine Mary discovered in You
We are women Walking in the spirit of Hagar Finding that even in our deepest “valley of the shadow” You are already there, and You see us – truly see us Even when we have become so small We can no longer see ourselves
We are women Created by Your good design In Your image and likeness Lovingly shaped and knit together by You To go forth in Your name
To dream dreams To prophesy And to see visions Through the outpouring of Your Spirit on us Made whole in You
Known Accepted Loved Forgiven
Committed Gifted Called Commissioned Sent And wholly Yours.
Bronwen Speedie is the founder of the Western Australian-based ministry, God's Design-Perth, which seeks to bring clarity, healing, and encouragement through the biblical message of the equality of men and women. She is the author of a Bible study and resource kit about biblical equality titled, Men and Women: God's Design, and blogs at www.godsdesignperth.org. While writing, working full time as a chaplain, and parenting keep her busy, Bronwen also manages to make time for activities that bring her joy, like singing in an acapella choir and gardening (presumably by using a Time Turner borrowed from Hermione Granger).