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5 minutes with Robynne ...

Tell us a little about you I love to see new places, to have fun and being outdoors. Music, being with good people and seeing people thrive in life, really makes me come alive. Growing up in a big family in Adelaide granted me many opportunities to learn about community, sharing life with passion and using your gifts for the contribution to the world. Keeping things simple; not making things more complicated than they need to be, is a valuable foundation that still impacts me today. I love my family dearly, and being with family always grounds me. Living away from immediate family for the past 11 years has taught me how much we can take each other for granted at times. I have worked with at risk children and youth for 20 years, in state schools, youth groups and local community groups, as well as Community Service organisations. My role as a High School Chaplain was a very special time to work within the community. I lived in the beach community, and spent my time there too. This was a very special time. Completing a Diploma of Commercial Music (Performance) in 2000 and a Bachelor of Counselling in 2007, I have worked with young people in the context of Child Protection, Mental Health, Youth Justice, Sexual Exploitation, and Homelessness. I have been the Manager of Dandenong Gatehouse in Melbourne, Australia since January 2015. Dandenong Gatehouse work with young women aged 12-25yo affected by or at risk of commercial sexual exploitation. The focus is to provide a safe place of belonging, reduce the risk of sexual exploitation and build insight through a variety of supports. Soon to finish up in this role, God has been calling and preparing me to move to San Francisco. I will be working for Lifepoint Church of SF, setting up a Lead Tenant housing program for young people affected by homelessness, juvenile justice and sexual exploitation. I have been working in this capacity in Melbourne over the past 10 years, and will be setting this up in partnership with Old Skool Cafe and other community groups in the San Francisco Bay Area. I move to San Francisco in October 2016.

What's your favourite Bible passage & why?

Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus and Peter walking on the water.

I love that Peter is such an easy character to connect with.

What stands out so much to me is Jesus' patience. He didn't tell Peter "well, you took your eyes off me, it's up to you to get yourself out of this mess", He lovingly holds out His hand and settles the situation. He reminds Peter of His authority through words, action and demonstrated character.

This is such a reminder to me of how we know.. we see.. we believe that Jesus is all powerful, but as the storm represents the unpredictability of life (and in huge size and strength sometimes), we can get easily distracted from what we were initially focused on and had faith in. In such a short story, there is so much to connect with in our every day experiences. And I am reminded of the person of Jesus in compassion and strength, through this story.

How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

Worship music for me is an important way to remain focused on Jesus.

I think doing things in your week that you love, whether that is paid work or voluntary, is vital. Operating in your gifting and capacity enables us to do things with greater joy, energy and ease.

Resting, creating space and not being 'addicted to the chaos' as I say, are vital ways to

I ensure that I position myself within parts of life and with people who are not exactly like me.

What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?

To live strong!

Be bold, be courageous, be gentle.

Do everything in love. This does not mean that we are a waif - love takes it's many forms.

You are of VALUE. I remember older women saying this and not really knowing what it meant... Seek the Lord for the meaning. He will show you.

Don't be in a rush. There is power in the waiting, the resting and the trusting.

But most of all believe that dream in your heart. Whatever it may be. I am living testimony to a 20-year dream in my heart, that I am about to step in to. I have unclear what it all will look like... but I must try!

What's one thing that you love about your local church?

They are thinking about the other person! We need to nourish the body internally, but we must always be looking "out" as well.

I love that.

Good value for Bible-based teaching is also very important.

What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?

That He is at work, even when it doesn't really seem that way in a tangible sense. God's way and timing in answering prayers. is not always what we expect. BUT He doesn't bring us half way through a story and leave us there.. He doesn't make us wait for something and then give us second best..

The biggest lesson... and pretty much applies in every situation.. is TRUST.

Do we trust Him?

God in us, and us in God.. We do this life together with Jesus. Trust Him and trust ourself within the walk with Him. Trust & obey, there is no other way!

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about people being included. People feeling safe and comfortable.

I love it when the "lights go on" for people about their value as a person, and who Jesus is.

People. Food. Music. They're my main passions.

I love people. food and music.. bring people together.. they translate into every language, and we all need to eat and we all like to have fun!

What do you enjoy doing when you rest?

Travelling Being outside - going into the bush, gardening, being at the beach. All are good to me!

I love being with my family and friends, having a coffee at a cafe.

Reading, Seeing a movie, playing piano and singing.

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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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