5 minutes with Kirsty ...

- Tell us a little about you
Only a little? :-) My name is Kirsty, I’m an extrovert and I love people and I love talking so only 5 minutes is going to be a struggle to keep to. I’m a wife of a gorgeous man and mum of two precious kids, 6yo boy and 4yo girl. I run my own Professional Organising business, Feels Like Home Professional Organisers, which I adore as I love seeing transformation happen and it occurs every time I work with clients. I also work for Forge Sydney doing all the admin. Forge is a missionary training program designed to help stimulate and nurture a mission-minded church for Australia.The majority of my time though is spent being a mum to my gorgeous kids and for that I’m very grateful! I’m a Melbourne girl at heart as that is where both of our extended families live, all 28 of them! But I do love the weather up here and the life we have built here with the friends who have become family. - What's your favourite bible passage & why? Psalm 139 as it reminds me of how loved and thought of I am by our amazing God! He created me in a wonderful and amazing way, he cares so intimately for me that he knows my every move and thought and there is no where I can go that He won’t be there with me. So comforting and is the verse I have written over my kids in their bedrooms! - How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? I don’t, I am distracted every minute of the day from my mission to know Jesus and to make him known! I do try to surround myself with worship music to help my spirit and mind re-orientate itself. I also try to surround myself with beautiful people who help me, either because they have such a rich relationship with Jesus or because they remind me that we are ALL created in God’s image and are ALL in need of love and transformation. - What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know? Exactly that, that we are ALL created in wonderful and amazing ways that uniquely reflect our creator and that we have to seek and search for that image in ourselves and in others above and beyond ours and others faults! I’d also love to encourage woman to be joining God in his mission of bringing His Reign and transformation to our neighbourhoods, our cities and nations! - What's one thing that you love about your local church? I love that my church is very intentional about listening to what God is already doing in our neighbourhood and what he wants to do and joining Him on that mission. We see ourselves as sent one into our neighbourhoods, schools, workplaces and places of play and rest, into community, sent to alert people to the reign of God by announcing and demonstrating that reign. Grace is the other big word that comes to mind when I think of about my church, I felt an overwhelming, tear-inducing, sense of Grace when we first step into our church and Grace has soaked most experiences since! - What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard? That He is always with me and that he LAVISHLY loves me. That he created me in an intentionally wonderful and amazing way and that he loves me because he made me not, not in spite of the way he made me. That God is a Good Good Father and absolutely adores me! - What are you passionate about? I’m so privileged and grateful to be working for an organisation like Forge that is passionate about Jesus and His desire to see all of us be alerting His world to His reign. I am also passionate about the transformation that my work brings to families and I totally feel like I am alerting to my clients to God’s reign via my work. I’m also passionate about asylum seekers and advocating for them to our politicians in anyway I can. I adore my children even if I am very excited about the prospect of them both being at big school next year ;-) and my husband is totally worthy of my passion. I cherish my friends and I’m passionate about spending time with them too! I could keep going on and on as I’m a pretty passionate person!! - What do you enjoy doing when you rest? God has really been trying to get my attention last year and this year about rest! It is a topic that I believe He is fairly passionate about, He took 1 day to rest at creation and He tells us to take 1 day a week to rest, especially in our busy saturated/idolised culture! So I am still learning how God wants that rest looks in my life and I suspect it will be a lifelong process, especially as seasons of life change constantly! At the moment rest looks like, reading books, enjoying Lamington T2 cuppa, enjoying my family by intentionally planning special day out of the house and chilling out watching TV with my hubby.