5 minutes with Kath ...

What's your favourite bible passage & why? Psalm 63 has been precious to me ever since I first gave my life to Him.." Because your love is better than life...because you are my help: I sing in the shadow of your wing" my desire is to be so close to God that I can hear the song of love He is humming and sing it to the world.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? In the crazy times, when there is no time...
I stop for a moment close my eyes and lift my face to the sky, I take a deep breath, I imagine God kissing me on my forehead and I say " I love you ....help me....come Lord"
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know? Life is a grand adventure, it is both beautiful and brutal, it is unwise to venture alone or with those who claim to know the way but only travel in the darkness. If decide not only to read the word of God but let His words read you , then you will hear his voice..."this is my path of life walk here"
What's one thing that you love about your local church? My husband and I church planted 17 years ago now, and over that time I have come to love His church, His people more deeply than I could have imagined. The people who gather with us to declare and stand in the amazing love of Jesus are just one part of Gods amazing church and we love every part. Mostly I love the church because with all our collective wonder and failings, God loves the church, she is the bride that Jesus loves and we get to be one with Him. I love the welcome at our church to belong before you believe. The sense of wonder and power in worship, the friendship and sense of family, the desire to know God and His word and the working of the Spirit . The willingness to live, caring for others beyond our own community and the sense of coming home to Jesus that people describe.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard? Life dishes up so much hard stuff, what to say... mostly when things are hard the thing I want to do is RUN AWAY...I cling to this verse 1 Cor 10:13 "He will give you a way to escape" I try to press into God as my refuge, my place to RUN to.
What are you passionate about? I am passionate about the one who loved me first and because I have known the love of heaven I long to give that same love to my family. I am passionate about women and men of all ages discovering the one who holds true life as a gift for them and their journey home to their true selves. My work as a nurse, midwife, researcher and educator has given me a lasting passion for being a life long learner and a midwife to all the creative birthing God does in life.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest? Learning to play the cello My husband and I take Mondays off together, we walk and go on adventures.
Family holidays have always been important, when I rest I like to build memories with those I love.
I dig in my garden, create or refurbish furniture, write, read.