5 minutes with Kim ...

Tell us a little about you.
My name is Kim Haworth and I'm the State Leader of The Salvation Army in Tasmania. I'm married to Steve and we have three wonderful adult children - Jayden 27, Stacey 23 and Bryce 21. I have been a Salvation Army Officer for 13 years. I came to faith at 31 years of age (I'm 52 now) and it completely changed the trajectory of my life! I've been loving and serving the Lord ever since. Do you have a favourite bible passage? If so, what is it and why?
Favourite Bible passage - I have so many but at present, my favourite Scripture verses are- Zechariah 4:6 and 4:10 "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord..." and "Do not despise the day of small beginnings..."
Why? The Lord continues to remind me often in these days to stand in his power, claim it, declare it and move in it! He also reminds me that little things are big things in his Kingdom! Every time we claim his promises and power, trust in him and show his love and kindness by sharing a word or action in Jesus' Name - no matter how small, we are changing destinies and opening the way for the Lord to partner with us in bringing heaven to earth.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
I pursue him every day through prayer and worship. I read Scripture and other books by Christian leaders that encourage and nurture my faith. I’m a lifelong learner in Jesus. It’s both an honour and privilege to walk with the Lord.
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
You are enough! And you have an amazing contribution to make to the world. Your voice is needed - so speak up, speak out and demonstrate the Gospel through your love in action!
What's one thing that you love about your local church?
The huge opportunity we have as the gathered people of God to transform our world with the love of Jesus! There is nothing better than belonging to the family of God, doing life together and leading others to freedom and wholeness in Christ!
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
That his grace IS sufficient for me and his strength is made perfect in my weakness. In the journey I found that he is trustworthy and that he will provide all I need for the journey, even if it looks different to how I expected.
What are you passionate about?
Mobilising the local church and seeing people come to know the love and freedom found in Jesus, which results in them living their best life with and for him!
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
I'm an extravert, so I love being with people. Good coffee, good food, great company and conversation with people I love is actually restful for me and fills up my tank! Other than that, I also enjoy walking through the beautiful wilds of Tasmania with my husband, spending time with family, reading good books and listening to music.