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5 minutes with Jessie

Where do you live?

Hamlyn Terrace, Central Coast

What do you love about living where you do?

The beaches are definitely my favourite that’s for sure!

Tell us about something the local church is doing that inspires you ...

I love how our church has a heart for the community. Not just in a ‘bringing them to Jesus and that's that’ way, but in a deep, connected way. I see people who love Jesus, going out into the community and actually BEING Jesus to others. It's not artificial in any way and God is doing big things through the small, everyday opportunities within the local community.

Tell us a little about yourself

I'm Jessie, I'm 34 (I think!), I have an amazing husband, Brad, and we have two gorgeous babes, Eddie and Ruthie. I grew up in a Christian home and have 3 siblings. We spent most of our childhood on the Far North Coast in a little town called Maclean. We had beaches within arms reach and were all sports crazy!

I was married at 18 and studied Primary Ed at Uni in Lismore. I thought my life was all mapped out and I was good to go. But that didn't happen. My marriage ended and I found myself with nothing, and no one. I didn't really know myself, as I'd been a student in school and then married a few short months after the HSC. My parents were my rock and spoke the hard truths when needed, and guided me as best they could.

I made some really bad decisions in the years to follow, trying to fill the void of being wanted by someone, and to heal the pain I felt from being rejected. I became really unwell, and obsessed with exercise and my weight. I ate next to nothing, and I went to whoever showed an interest in me. My new found freedom got out of hand and I praise God that just when things could have taken a terrible turn, He pulled me out and loved me for who I was. I always knew God was there but I chose to ignore His voice for quite some time. But we serve a very persistent and faithful God who leaves the 99 in search for the 1.

So I found myself surrounded by beautiful people who helped me realise that I am a treasured daughter of the King, and I am far more precious than rubies. I was finally in a place of peace and trusted that God's plan, whether it be for me to have a husband and family or not, was the best plan, regardless. And then I met my Brad. He was and is exactly what I had been yearning for and has been a constant source of encouragement and love. God has had me in the palm of His hand, all my life. Through every twist and turn, I look back and see Him working for His good. To bring me closer to Him. To bring me to a place that feels 100% happy with my life and who I am as His very own.

Becoming a mother has impacted me in ways I never imagined. To be responsible for the upbringing of my own children is such a huge responsibility. I want them to be free from the hurt and pain that I went through, and I want to show them with my life, that Gods way is the best. We are committed to raising them to know and love Jesus, and we strive to make our daily lives centred on Him.

What's your favourite bible passage & why?

1 John 10:10 But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect- Life in its fullness until you overflow! Wow! How can you even add anything to that verse! God clearly spoke these words to me when I was at my worst. He reminded me of His faithfulness, and His desire to see my life full. And He isn't done with that just yet!

How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

We have an amazing church, that we felt a part of the minute we walked through the doors. We actually left Sydney to move to the coast just so we could be a part of our church. I have so many women that encourage me daily to keep my eyes on Jesus. At home, I like to crank up the worship music and zone out to the wiggles in the background! And you’ll often find me bible journaling while soaking in the words on the page (primary school teacher at heart!)

What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?

That their value and worth is found in being a daughter of the King. That God is our Father and He wants what's best for us. Always. I tried to feel valued by looking in all the wrong places. But there's only one who can truly satisfy that desire to be loved, cherished, and adored. And He's already given His everything, just for us.

What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?

That He doesn't give up. That His love really is unconditional. The lyrics to the song, Defender, pretty much say it all. When I thought I lost me, You knew where I left me, You reintroduced me to your love. You picked up all my pieces, Put me back together, You are the defender of my heart. Yep. God is good, all the time!

What are you passionate about?

I'm passionate about photography! I have started my own business this year and have literally been flat out! Praise God! I am excited for where it hopefully takes me and am loving every minute of it. I've just started weddings which is huge! So hopefully I can keep it up and make it into something amazing. I pray before every photo shoot, that God will give me the skills I need, that it will be my best work yet, and most importantly, that I can use my little camera and self to be Jesus to those who cross my path. I want to be a photographer that people remember, that they come back for, and wonder why was she so different?

What do you enjoy doing when you rest

Ummm what's that? I have 2 kids under 3 so rest is a distant memory . But thankfully our kids are in bed by 7ish every night, so we are usually found on the lounge watching Netflix....and eating chocolate. I like chocolate. A lot. Haha! Visit Jessie Walker's photography Facebook page here:

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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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