My Postcode - 5725
- Where do I live? I live in Roxby Downs, 600km North of Adelaide. Roxby has a population of about 3000 and is the town associated with the BHP Olympic Dam mine so everyone who lives here has some connection to the mine. - What do I love about living where I do? My husband and I are both 30 years old, and we have three young children, and we are possibly spot on in representing the demographic here in Roxby. Most people live here because they have a young family and don't want to fly-in/fly-out and miss out on time at home. This means that the majority of services and facilities are geared towards young families. We are never short of an outing here with story time at the library twice a week, a great public swimming pool, various parks, kinder gym sessions, and play dates with our friends. We have been here for about 18 months, but felt very settled and welcome from the get go, which made the transition really easy for us in that respect. - Something the local church is doing that inspires you. The nature of the mining roster here means that everyone has very full on working weeks. Whether they have a roster that alternates day shift with night shift, or whether they do 13 hour days Monday to Friday, everyone works very hard. So then, each Sunday when we turn up for church I am so encouraged by my brothers and sisters who have arrived early, set up, made some coffee, welcome us so warmly, and then stay behind after church to share morning tea together, taking time to really care for one another in conversation and then clean up afterwards. In our time here we've had so many offers for help from people who are far busier than I am. Likewise, each Wednesday night I continue to be surprised by the number of people who come to our house week after week to study the bible together. Their desire to be shaped by God's word is humbling for me, because I am often dreading the crowd of people who will arrive at 7:15 each week, although by the end I'm always so thankful for our dear friends here and the way that they understand the importance of growing in our knowledge of, and love for God. I am constantly inspired by people's commitment to, and service of, the body of Christ here in Roxby Downs. Praise God!