Jesse Tree Advent Resource

Research has shown that (see the nurture of faith within the family context is crucial as kids develop faith. Too often we focus on church programs without equipping families to nurture faith themselves. With that in mind, I developed an advent resource for families for my church that starts with a lesson for kids in the church context, with resources for them to take home for families to use over the Advent season. We also often think that kids just want something super contemporary and glossy, but like many of us, many kids are nurtured by meaningful traditions. One of mine has said that our family advent wreath tradition is one of his favourite things about Christmas.
With hope that your Christmas is filled with the hope of Christ,
Lesson - Advent (The Jesse Tree)
1. Pass the Ornament Game via Kidspot
2. Show Saddleback Kids video via YouTube
3. Read verses Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7 and Micah 5:2
- What do we learn about the person who is to come?
- Why is this person needed?
- How do we see these prophecies fulfilled in Jesus?
4. Then read Isaiah 11:1-10
- v1-2 Who is Jesse, and who is the branch from Jesse? (David's father, a branch is someone from David's family - ultimately Jesus)
- v3-5 What will this branch of Jesse be like?
- v6-9 What kind of world will he make?
- How did Jesus make this world?
5. Christmas traditions (leading into Jesse Tree tradition)
- What Christmas traditions are you familiar with or do in your family? Why do we do them?
- Many Christmas traditions help us to celebrate Christmas and remind us what it is about.
- What does advent mean? (The time we spend looking forward to Christmas and remembering how people looked forward to Jesus coming).
- Do you know any advent traditions? One tradition many people follow is the Jesse Tree. We are going to make the Jesse tree ornaments for you to take home and do together with your family. (use take home doc to explain and hand out with craft)
The kit includes a lesson plan and a take home sheet for families. I also gave the Jesse tree symbols to the families, but respecting the usage rules, instead I will give you some links (click below):
Ann Voskamp (A Holy Experience site) has a lot of resources for families about the Jesse Tree and other advent traditions. Find daily colouring in sheets, decorations and more on her site.

In alphabetical order, Megan is a daughter, friend, mother, pastor, teacher, twin and wife. These relationships and roles are central to her sense of self, all of the relationships informed by her relationship with God. She is currently doing a PhD in theology, and is wondering why she wasn't warned off by her experience of two previous honours theses (one in literature and another in theology). She longs to live a grace filled life and asks for your grace with her in her repeated failure. You could also call her fickle and unfocused in her pursuits but she would rather you call her a renaissance woman.